European yearbook of international economic law 2011 / [electronic resource]
Christoph Herrmann, Jörg Philipp Terhechte, Editors.
- Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer, ©2011.
- 1 online resource (xvii, 522 pages).
- European Yearbook of International Economic Law ; 2 .
- European Yearbook of International Economic Law ; 2. .
Includes bibliographical references.
Topics -- The State and the Global Economy -- Governmental Decision-Making in the World Economy / Central Bank Challenges in the Global Economy / An International Normative Framework for Sovereign Wealth Funds? / Sovereign Wealth Funds: Market Investors or "Imperialist Capitalists"? The European Response to Direct Investment by Non-EU State-Controlled Entities / The Role of the IMF as a Global Financial Authority / No Ado About Nothing: Obama's Trade Policies After 1 Year / Climate Change and International Economic Law -- Carbon Capture and Storage from the Perspective of International Law / Biofuels and WTO Law / Climate Labelling and the WTO: The 2010 EU Ecolabelling Programme as a Test Case Under WTO Law / Environmental Services and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): Legal Issues and Negotiating Stakes at the WTO / European Union Competences and Actions in International Environment Law: Recent Developments and Current Challenges / Regional Integration -- The European Union and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case Study of the EU-Korea FTA / MENA: The Question of Palestinian Observership and Accession to the WTO / Integration and Disintegration in North America: The Rise and Fall of International Economic Law in One Region / African Regional Economic Integration: Is the Paradigm Relevant and Appropriate? / Regional Integration in Latin America: Some Lessons of 50 Years of Experience / Report on the ASEAN Economic Cooperation and Integration / International Economic Institutions -- From the G8 to the G20: Reforming the Global Economic Governance System / The Doha Development Agenda at a Crossroads: What Are the Remaining Obstacles to The Conclusion of the Round: Part II? / WTO Dispute Settlement -- The Establishment of 'Binding Guidance' by the Appellate Body in US Stainless Steel and Recent Dispute Settlement Rulings / Book Reviews -- Rudolf Dolzer, Christoph Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law / Daniel Wüger and Thomas Cottier, Genetic Engineering and the World Trade System / Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio with Arwel Dawies and Kara Leitner, World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary / Rüdiger Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and Clemens Feinäugle, WTO: Trade in Services, Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law, Vol. 6 / Materials -- Opinion of Advocate General Kokott Delivered on 26 March 2009 / Karl M. Meessen -- Fabian Amtenbrink -- Ludwig Gramlich -- Heike Schweitzer -- Rosa M. Lastra -- Andreas Falke -- Alexander Proelss and Kerstin Güssow -- Wolfgang Weiß -- Erich Vranes -- Mireille Cossy -- Kirstyn Inglis -- Colin M. Brown -- Tomer Broude -- Stephen Clarkson -- Colin McCarthy -- Félix Peña -- Prasit Aekaputra -- Claudia Schmucker and Katharina Gnath -- Edwini Kessie -- Andreas Krallmann -- Marc Bungenberg -- Hans-Georg Dederer -- Markus Krajewski -- Christoph Ohler -- Juliane Kokott. Part I: Special Focus I: Distinguished Essay: Special Focus II: Part II: Part III: Part IV: Part V:
"Part one of Vol. 2 (2011) of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law" addresses two major topics of current academic debate and public interest: firstly, it focuses on the State and the Global Economy, secondly, on Climate Change and International Economic Law. Part two contains treatises of recent regional integration developments taking place in the major regions of the world. Part three covers the legal and political developments in the major international organizations and fora dealing with international economic policy making. Part four contains book reviews of recent works in the field of International Economic Law."--Publisher's website.
9783642144325 3642144322
978-3-642-14431-8 Springer
Commercial law.
Commercial law--Europe.
International law.
International economic relations.
International finance--Law and legislation.
LAW--Commercial--International Trade.
Sciences sociales.
Sciences humaines.
Commercial law.
International economic relations.
International finance--Law and legislation.
International law.
Electronic books.
K1001.5 / .E97 2011
Includes bibliographical references.
Topics -- The State and the Global Economy -- Governmental Decision-Making in the World Economy / Central Bank Challenges in the Global Economy / An International Normative Framework for Sovereign Wealth Funds? / Sovereign Wealth Funds: Market Investors or "Imperialist Capitalists"? The European Response to Direct Investment by Non-EU State-Controlled Entities / The Role of the IMF as a Global Financial Authority / No Ado About Nothing: Obama's Trade Policies After 1 Year / Climate Change and International Economic Law -- Carbon Capture and Storage from the Perspective of International Law / Biofuels and WTO Law / Climate Labelling and the WTO: The 2010 EU Ecolabelling Programme as a Test Case Under WTO Law / Environmental Services and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): Legal Issues and Negotiating Stakes at the WTO / European Union Competences and Actions in International Environment Law: Recent Developments and Current Challenges / Regional Integration -- The European Union and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case Study of the EU-Korea FTA / MENA: The Question of Palestinian Observership and Accession to the WTO / Integration and Disintegration in North America: The Rise and Fall of International Economic Law in One Region / African Regional Economic Integration: Is the Paradigm Relevant and Appropriate? / Regional Integration in Latin America: Some Lessons of 50 Years of Experience / Report on the ASEAN Economic Cooperation and Integration / International Economic Institutions -- From the G8 to the G20: Reforming the Global Economic Governance System / The Doha Development Agenda at a Crossroads: What Are the Remaining Obstacles to The Conclusion of the Round: Part II? / WTO Dispute Settlement -- The Establishment of 'Binding Guidance' by the Appellate Body in US Stainless Steel and Recent Dispute Settlement Rulings / Book Reviews -- Rudolf Dolzer, Christoph Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law / Daniel Wüger and Thomas Cottier, Genetic Engineering and the World Trade System / Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio with Arwel Dawies and Kara Leitner, World Trade Law: Text, Materials and Commentary / Rüdiger Wolfrum, Peter-Tobias Stoll and Clemens Feinäugle, WTO: Trade in Services, Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law, Vol. 6 / Materials -- Opinion of Advocate General Kokott Delivered on 26 March 2009 / Karl M. Meessen -- Fabian Amtenbrink -- Ludwig Gramlich -- Heike Schweitzer -- Rosa M. Lastra -- Andreas Falke -- Alexander Proelss and Kerstin Güssow -- Wolfgang Weiß -- Erich Vranes -- Mireille Cossy -- Kirstyn Inglis -- Colin M. Brown -- Tomer Broude -- Stephen Clarkson -- Colin McCarthy -- Félix Peña -- Prasit Aekaputra -- Claudia Schmucker and Katharina Gnath -- Edwini Kessie -- Andreas Krallmann -- Marc Bungenberg -- Hans-Georg Dederer -- Markus Krajewski -- Christoph Ohler -- Juliane Kokott. Part I: Special Focus I: Distinguished Essay: Special Focus II: Part II: Part III: Part IV: Part V:
"Part one of Vol. 2 (2011) of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law" addresses two major topics of current academic debate and public interest: firstly, it focuses on the State and the Global Economy, secondly, on Climate Change and International Economic Law. Part two contains treatises of recent regional integration developments taking place in the major regions of the world. Part three covers the legal and political developments in the major international organizations and fora dealing with international economic policy making. Part four contains book reviews of recent works in the field of International Economic Law."--Publisher's website.
9783642144325 3642144322
978-3-642-14431-8 Springer
Commercial law.
Commercial law--Europe.
International law.
International economic relations.
International finance--Law and legislation.
LAW--Commercial--International Trade.
Sciences sociales.
Sciences humaines.
Commercial law.
International economic relations.
International finance--Law and legislation.
International law.
Electronic books.
K1001.5 / .E97 2011