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20th century with Mike Wallace. Cults--Heaven's Gate and Branch Davidians / Cults--Heaven's Gate and Branch Davidians Twentieth century with Mike Wallace. Cults--Heaven's Gate and Branch Davidians Application title: 20th century. No. 89 Copyrighted as: 20th century with Mike Wallace. Cults--Heaven's Gate to Branch Davidians produced by CBS News Productions in association with A&E Network. - 1998. - 1 videocassette of 1 : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. viewing copy.

Copyright: CBS Worldwide, Inc. Appl. au.: CBS, Inc. NM: all other cinematographic material including composition. DCR 1998; PUB 6Feb98; REG 15Mar99; PA929-615. Part title from videocassette label. Source used: Television programming source books, series, 1998-99, p. S-460.

Host: Mike Wallace.


Documentary--Television series.

VAF 7697 (viewing copy)

909.82 / TAT
Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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