Haydn, Joseph, 1786 or 1787-1856.
Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. - 19th ed., containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1889, by Benjamin Vincent. - New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. - vi, [6], 1052 p., 1 l., 68, 927-1052 p. 24 cm.
"This edition comprises the whole of th 13th English edition ... edited by Mr. B. Vincent ... with the addition of a supplement relating chiefly to American affairs, and giving dates of recent events in Europe and the East. To this is added a biographical index."--Note to American (leaf folowing p. 1052)
Chronology, Historical.
903 / HAH
Haydn's dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. - 19th ed., containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1889, by Benjamin Vincent. - New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. - vi, [6], 1052 p., 1 l., 68, 927-1052 p. 24 cm.
"This edition comprises the whole of th 13th English edition ... edited by Mr. B. Vincent ... with the addition of a supplement relating chiefly to American affairs, and giving dates of recent events in Europe and the East. To this is added a biographical index."--Note to American (leaf folowing p. 1052)
Chronology, Historical.
903 / HAH