The 2006 ESPN baseball encyclopedia /
Baseball encyclopedia
edited by Pete Palmer and Gary Gillette
- 1742 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Compilers: Gary Gillette and Pete Palmer.
Details statistics from United States baseball teams and players from 1900 through the previous season, including draft information, and provides lists of award winners and world champion teams.
9781402736254 = The ... ESPN baseball encyclopedia
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
Baseball--United States--Statistics.
Baseball--Records--United States.
GV877 / .E77
796.35 / TWO
Compilers: Gary Gillette and Pete Palmer.
Details statistics from United States baseball teams and players from 1900 through the previous season, including draft information, and provides lists of award winners and world champion teams.
9781402736254 = The ... ESPN baseball encyclopedia
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
Baseball--United States--Statistics.
Baseball--Records--United States.
GV877 / .E77
796.35 / TWO