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Persian language, literature and culture : new leaves, fresh looks / edited by Kamran Talattof. - xx, 401 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Iranian studies ; 23 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction. Kamran Talattof: Leading literary on Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak's scholarship and service and about this collection -- Poetry and poetics. Franklin Lewis: Soltân Valad and the poetical order: framing the ethos and praxis of poetry in the Mevlevi tradition after Rumi -- Marta Simidchieva: Three songs for Iran: gender and social commitment in the poetry of Parvin, Forugh, and Simin -- Sahar Allamezade: Killed by love: Eshqi revised: an Iranian poet's quest for modernization -- Peyman Vahabzadeh: Rebellious action and guerrilla poetry: dialectics of art and life in 1970s Iran" -- Fiction and prose. Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami: Explaining tragedy: the voice of ironic nondiscursivity in Bahram Sadeqi and Mohammad Asef Soltanzadeh -- Razi Ahmad: A postcolonial reading of Simin Daneshvar's novels: the spiritual and the material domains in Savushun, Jazira-ye sargardani, and Sarban sargardan -- Fatemeh Shams: Literature, art, and ideology under the Islamic Republic: an extended history of the Center for Islamic Art and Thoughts -- Culture, criticism, and the problematics of translation. Ehsan Yarshater: Ventures and adventures of the Persian language -- Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi: Ahmad Kasravi's critiques of Europism and Orientalism -- Arang Keshavarzian: Mutual comprehension and hybrid identities in the bazaar: reflections on interviews and interlocutors in Tehran -- Liora Hendelman-Baavur: The odyssey of Jalal Al-e Ahmad's Gharbzadegi five decades after -- Shadi Mazhari: Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis and the overarching problematic of totalitarianism and democracy in postrevolutionary Iran -- Sima Daad: Accented texts: the case of Chahar maqale and Mohammad Qazvin -- Abbas Jamshidi: Lizard as Arab food: representation of Arabs and the Shahnameh scholarship -- Firouzeh Dianat: Iranian female authors and the anxiety of authorship -- Samad Alavi: Living in lyric: the task of translating a modernist ghazal -- Jake Benson: Satisfying an appetite for books: innovation, production, and modernization in later Islamic bookbinding.

9781138826212 (hardback) 9781315739489 (e-book)


Persian literature--History and criticism.--20th century

Iran--Civilization--20th century.
Iran--Intellectual life--20th century.

PK6415.5 / .P47 2015

Last Updated on September 15, 2019
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