Bendat, Julius S.
Random data; analysis and measurement procedures [by] Julius S. Bendat [and] Allan G. Piersol. - 2nd ed. Rev. and exp. ed. - New York, Wiley-Interscience 1986 - xv, 566 p. illus. 24 cm.
"An extensive revision and replacement for the authors' ... Measurement and analysis of random data, 1966."
Bibliography: p. 381-383.
Engineering--Statistical methods.
Stochastic processes.
Engineering--Data processing.
TA340 / .B43
311.212 / BER
Random data; analysis and measurement procedures [by] Julius S. Bendat [and] Allan G. Piersol. - 2nd ed. Rev. and exp. ed. - New York, Wiley-Interscience 1986 - xv, 566 p. illus. 24 cm.
"An extensive revision and replacement for the authors' ... Measurement and analysis of random data, 1966."
Bibliography: p. 381-383.
Engineering--Statistical methods.
Stochastic processes.
Engineering--Data processing.
TA340 / .B43
311.212 / BER