Burton, John W. 1915-
Nonalignment / edited by J. W. Burton. Foreword by Kenneth Kaunda. - New York : Andree Deutsch, 1966. - 142 p. ; 20 cm.
Papers from a series of discussions held by the Friends Peace and International Relations Committee in London, 1963.
International relations.
World politics--1945-1989.
JX1395 / .B862 1966
327 / BUN
Nonalignment / edited by J. W. Burton. Foreword by Kenneth Kaunda. - New York : Andree Deutsch, 1966. - 142 p. ; 20 cm.
Papers from a series of discussions held by the Friends Peace and International Relations Committee in London, 1963.
International relations.
World politics--1945-1989.
JX1395 / .B862 1966
327 / BUN