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Powell, James E.

A librarian's guide to graphs, data and the Semantic Web / [electronic resource] James Powell, Matthew Hopkins. - 1 online resource. - Chandos Information Professional Series . - Chandos information professional series. .

Includes index.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Front Cover; A Librarian's Guide to Graphs, Data and the Semantic Web; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; About the authors; Preface and Acknowledgments; Introduction; Glossary; 1 Graphs in theory; Bridging the history; Topology; Degrees of separation; Four color problem; 2 Graphs and how to make them; Space junk and graph theory; Graph theory and graph modeling; Analyzing graphs; 3 Graphs and the Semantic Web; " ... memory is transitory"; The RDF model; Modeling triples; RDF and deduction; 4 RDF and its serializations; Abstract notions lead to shared concepts; RDF graph; RDF serializations. 5 OntologiesOntological autometamorphosis; Introduction to ontologies; Ontology development steps; Building blocks of ontologies; Ontology building tutorial; Ontologies and logic; 6 SPARQL; Triple patterns for search; SPARQL; SPARQL query endpoint; SPARQL 1.1; 7 Inferencing, reasoning, and rules; Mechanical thought; Intelligent computers; Language to logic; Inferencing; Logic notation; Challenges and pitfalls of rules; Reasoners and rules; SWRL; N3 rules; Final considerations; 8 Understanding Linked Data; Demons and genies; Characteristics of Linked Data; Linked Data requirements summary. A triple about EbolaDiscovering Linked Open Data; Linked Open Vocabularies; Linked Data platform; 9 Library networks-coauthorship, citation, and usage graphs; "Uncritical citation ... is a serious matter"; History and evolution of science; Librarians as network navigators; Author metrics and networks; Analyzing coauthorship networks; 10 Networks in life sciences; The path of an infection; Food webs and motifs; 11 Biological networks; DNA is software; Comparing networks; A fresh perspective; 12 Networks in economics and business; Look at the systems, not the individuals; Information flow. Is it contagious?The city effect; 13 Networks in chemistry and physics; The best T-shirts graph theory has to offer; Percolation; Phase transitions; Synchronization; Quantum interactions and crystals; 14 Social networks; Six degrees of separation; It's a small world; Social network analysis; 15 Upper ontologies; A unifying framework for knowledge; Friend of a Friend; Organization; Event; Provenance; Aggregations; Data Sets; Thesaurus; Measurements; Geospatial; Geonames; WGS84; Spatial; 16 Library metadata ontologies; Where are the books?; Migrating descriptions of library resources to RDF. Dublin CoreMARC and the Semantic Web; A Library of Congress mapping of MARC to Dublin Core; The OCLC Schema Model; BIBFRAME; Pioneering Semantic Web projects in libraries; The British Library; UCSD Library Digital Asset Management System; Linked data services; Where to go from here?; Leverage the graph topology; Incorporate graph visualizations; Use inferencing; Use rules and reasoning; 17 Time; Time flies; Standard time; Allen's Temporal Intervals; Semantic time; Graph time; 18 Drawing and serializing graphs; The inscrutable hairball; Graph Data Formats; GDF; XML and graphs; XGMML; GraphML.

A Librarian's Guide to Graphs, Data and the Semantic Web is geared toward library and information science professionals, including librarians, software developers and information systems architects who want to understand the fundamentals of graph theory, how it is used to represent and explore data, and how it relates to the semantic web.

9781780634340 178063434X

Graph theory.
Semantic Web.
EDUCATION--Organizations & Institutions.
Graph theory.
Semantic Web.
Semantic Web
Semantiska webben.

Electronic books.


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