Viral pathogenesis : from basics to systems biology / [electronic resource]
edited by Michael G. Katze, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, [and 3 others].
- 3rd ed.
- 1 online resource.
- R2 digital library .
- R2 digital library. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I: History and essentials of viral pathogenesis -- 1. The human toll of viral diseases / Neal Nathanson -- 2. Historical roots / William C. Summers -- 3. Basic concepts / Robert W. Doms -- 4. Innate immunity / Christine A. Biron -- 5. Adaptive immunity / E. John Wherry and David Masopust -- 6. Aberrant immunity / E. John Wherry and David Masopust -- 7. Patterns of infection / Neal Nathanson and Francisco Gonz�alez-Scarano -- 8. Viral oncogenesis / Nicholas A. Wallace and Denise A. Galloway -- 9. HIV and AIDS / Guido Silvestri and Emily K. Cartwright -- 10. Animal models / Victoria K. Baxter and Diane E. Griffin -- Part II: Systems-level approaches to viral pathogenesis -- 11. Systems virology / Marcus J. Korth and G. Lynn Law -- 12. The virus-host interactome / Monika Schneider, Jeffery R. Johnson, Nevan J. Krogan and Sumit K. Chanda -- 13. Host genetics / Martin T. Ferris, Mark T. Heise and Ralph S. Baric -- 14. Metabolomics and lipidomics / Priscilla L. Yang -- 15. Mathematical modeling / Alan S. Perelson -- Part III: Emergence and control of viral infections -- 16. Emerging viral diseases / James W. Le Duc and Neal Nathanson -- 17. Viral evolution / Adi Stem and Raul Andino -- 18. Viral epidemiology / Kaitlin Rainwater-Lovett, Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer and William J. Moss -- 19. Viral vaccines / Juliet Morrison and Stanley Plotkin -- 20. Antiviral therapy / Douglas D. Richman and Neal Nathanson -- Part IV: Prizes and predictions for viral pathogenesis -- 21. Breakthrough / Neal Nathanson -- 22. What lies ahead?
Viral Pathogenesis: From Basics to Systems Biology, Third Edition, has been thoroughly updated to cover topical advances in the evolving field of viral pathogenesis, while also providing the requisite classic foundational information for which it is recognized. The book provides key coverage of the newfound ability to profile molecular events on a system-wide scale, which has led to a deeper understanding of virus-host interactions, host signaling and molecular-interaction networks, and the role of host genetics in determining disease outcome. In addition, the content has been augmented with short chapters on seminal breakthroughs and profiles of their progenitors, as well as short commentaries on important or controversial issues in the field. Thus, the reader will be given a view of virology research with perspectives on issues such as biomedical ethics, public health policy, and human health. In summary, the third edition will give the student a sense of the exciting new perspectives on viral pathogenesis that have been provided by recent developments in genomics, computation, modeling, and systems biology.
9780128011744 0128011742
Virus diseases--Pathogenesis.
HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases / General
MEDICAL / Clinical Medicine
MEDICAL / Diseases
MEDICAL / Evidence-Based Medicine
MEDICAL / Internal Medicine
Virus diseases--Pathogenesis.
Virus Diseases--etiology.
Virus Diseases--immunology.
Electronic books.
Electronic books.
QR201.V55 / V53 2016eb
QZ 65
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I: History and essentials of viral pathogenesis -- 1. The human toll of viral diseases / Neal Nathanson -- 2. Historical roots / William C. Summers -- 3. Basic concepts / Robert W. Doms -- 4. Innate immunity / Christine A. Biron -- 5. Adaptive immunity / E. John Wherry and David Masopust -- 6. Aberrant immunity / E. John Wherry and David Masopust -- 7. Patterns of infection / Neal Nathanson and Francisco Gonz�alez-Scarano -- 8. Viral oncogenesis / Nicholas A. Wallace and Denise A. Galloway -- 9. HIV and AIDS / Guido Silvestri and Emily K. Cartwright -- 10. Animal models / Victoria K. Baxter and Diane E. Griffin -- Part II: Systems-level approaches to viral pathogenesis -- 11. Systems virology / Marcus J. Korth and G. Lynn Law -- 12. The virus-host interactome / Monika Schneider, Jeffery R. Johnson, Nevan J. Krogan and Sumit K. Chanda -- 13. Host genetics / Martin T. Ferris, Mark T. Heise and Ralph S. Baric -- 14. Metabolomics and lipidomics / Priscilla L. Yang -- 15. Mathematical modeling / Alan S. Perelson -- Part III: Emergence and control of viral infections -- 16. Emerging viral diseases / James W. Le Duc and Neal Nathanson -- 17. Viral evolution / Adi Stem and Raul Andino -- 18. Viral epidemiology / Kaitlin Rainwater-Lovett, Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer and William J. Moss -- 19. Viral vaccines / Juliet Morrison and Stanley Plotkin -- 20. Antiviral therapy / Douglas D. Richman and Neal Nathanson -- Part IV: Prizes and predictions for viral pathogenesis -- 21. Breakthrough / Neal Nathanson -- 22. What lies ahead?
Viral Pathogenesis: From Basics to Systems Biology, Third Edition, has been thoroughly updated to cover topical advances in the evolving field of viral pathogenesis, while also providing the requisite classic foundational information for which it is recognized. The book provides key coverage of the newfound ability to profile molecular events on a system-wide scale, which has led to a deeper understanding of virus-host interactions, host signaling and molecular-interaction networks, and the role of host genetics in determining disease outcome. In addition, the content has been augmented with short chapters on seminal breakthroughs and profiles of their progenitors, as well as short commentaries on important or controversial issues in the field. Thus, the reader will be given a view of virology research with perspectives on issues such as biomedical ethics, public health policy, and human health. In summary, the third edition will give the student a sense of the exciting new perspectives on viral pathogenesis that have been provided by recent developments in genomics, computation, modeling, and systems biology.
9780128011744 0128011742
Virus diseases--Pathogenesis.
HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases / General
MEDICAL / Clinical Medicine
MEDICAL / Diseases
MEDICAL / Evidence-Based Medicine
MEDICAL / Internal Medicine
Virus diseases--Pathogenesis.
Virus Diseases--etiology.
Virus Diseases--immunology.
Electronic books.
Electronic books.
QR201.V55 / V53 2016eb
QZ 65