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Joseph, Antony,

Investigating seafloors and oceans : from mud volcanoes to giant squid / [electronic resource] Dr. Antony Joseph. - 1 online resource (xxx, 582 pages) : illustrations (some color); color maps

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Front Cover; Investigating Seafloors and Oceans: From Mud Volcanoes to Giant Squid; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: The Chaotic and Vibrant Seafloor; 1.1. Introduction; 1.1.1. Exposed Oceanic Mantle; 1.1.2. Reversal of Earths Magnetic Field; 1.1.3. Consequences of Earths Magnetic Field Reversal; 1.2. Discovery of Formation of Different Continents from One Big Land Mass; 1.2.1. Clues Introduced by Ortelius, Suess, Mantovani, Wegener, and Toit; 1.2.2. Hypotheses Proposed for Explaining Continental Drift. 1.2.3. Arthur Holmess Proposal of Convection Current Cells in Earths Mantle in Support of Continental Drift; 1.2.4. Studies of Earthquakes and Mountain Building in Support of Continental Drift; 1.3. Evolving the Notion of Tectonic Plates Floating on Molten Lava; 1.3.1. Discovery of Volcanic Ridge Systems Snaking Around the Globe in a Chain; 1.3.2. Discoveries of Zebra Stripe-like Magnetic Patterns and Increasing Age of Seafloor with Distance From Ridge Crests; 1.3.3. Proposal of Seafloor Spreading Theory-Contribution by Hess. 1.3.4. Plate Tectonics-Unification of Continental Drift and Seafloor Spreading; 1.4. Triple Junctions on Seafloors; 1.4.1. R-R-R Triple Junctions; Afar triple junction; Rodrigues triple junction; Azores triple junction; 1.4.2. The Only Known T-T-T Junction on Earth-Boso Triple Junction; 1.4.3. Difficult-to-Classify Triple Junction-Bouvet Triple Junction; 1.4.4. Specialty of Chile Triple Junction; 1.5. Rotating Microplates; 1.5.1. Clockwork Motion by Seafloor Microplates; 1.5.2. The 2015 Discovery of the First Oceanic Microplate in the Indian Ocean. 1.6. Formation of Submarine Mountain Chains, Seamounts, Island Arcs, Mud Volcanoes, Canyons, and Trenches; 1.6.1. Seafloor Mountain Chains; 1.6.2. Seamounts; 1.6.3. Submarine Magmatic-Volcanic Eruptions and Island Arcs; 1.6.4. Magmatic Volcanoes Versus Mud Volcanoes; Seafloor mud volcanoes and cold-seep communities; Island mud volcanoes; Coastal mud volcanoes; 1.6.5. Submarine Canyons; 1.6.6. Subduction Zones and Submarine Trenches; References; Bibliography; Chapter 2: Secrets of Bermuda Triangle and Formation of Polymetallic Nodules; 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Riddle of the Bermuda Triangle Imbroglio; 2.2.1. Fire in the Sea; 2.2.2. Trawler Wreck in Witchs Hole Pockmark; 2.2.3. Methane Hydrates and the Bermuda Triangle; 2.2.4. The Role of Warm Gulf Stream; 2.3. Gas Hydrate Emission Can Drown Ships-Mays and Monaghans Hypothesis; 2.3.1. Laboratory Scale Experimental Studies; 2.3.2. Numerical Simulations; 2.3.3. Criteria for Sinking/NonSinking; 2.4. Carpet of "Dark Gold" Paved Over the Seafloor; 2.4.1. Devices Used for Collection of Polymetallic Nodules From the Ocean Floor; Boomerang Grab; Dredge; Box-Corer.

Opening with a discussion of the earth's formation, hot spots, ridges, plate tectonics, submarine trenches, and cold seeps, this text goes on to address such topics as the role of oceans in the origin of life, tidal bore, thermal effects, ecosystem services, marine creatures, and nutraceutical and pharmaceutical resources.

0128093633 9780128093634

Ocean bottom.
SCIENCE--Earth Sciences--Geography.
SCIENCE--Earth Sciences--Geology.
Ocean bottom.

Electronic book.
Electronic books.


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