Batou, Jean
Bibliographical guide to economic and social history of the Middle East and Latin America = Guide bibliographique d'histoire economique et sociale du Moyen Orient et de L'Amerique Latine, 1770-1870 / Jean Batou. - Geneve : Centre of International Economic History, 1993. - [2], 210 p. ; 23 cm
Middle East--Economic conditions--19th century--Bibliography
Latin America--Economic conditions--19th century--Bibliography
016.306 / BAB
Bibliographical guide to economic and social history of the Middle East and Latin America = Guide bibliographique d'histoire economique et sociale du Moyen Orient et de L'Amerique Latine, 1770-1870 / Jean Batou. - Geneve : Centre of International Economic History, 1993. - [2], 210 p. ; 23 cm
Middle East--Economic conditions--19th century--Bibliography
Latin America--Economic conditions--19th century--Bibliography
016.306 / BAB