Hossain, Iftekhar
Poverty as capability failure / Iftekhar Hossain - Helsingfors : Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, 1990. - 167 p., : ill ; 25 cm. - Ekonomi och samhälle (Svenska handelshögskolan (Helsinki, Finland) No. 44. .
Poverty--Statistical methods.
Basic needs--Statistical methods.
362.5 / HOP
Poverty as capability failure / Iftekhar Hossain - Helsingfors : Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, 1990. - 167 p., : ill ; 25 cm. - Ekonomi och samhälle (Svenska handelshögskolan (Helsinki, Finland) No. 44. .
Poverty--Statistical methods.
Basic needs--Statistical methods.
362.5 / HOP