Christophers, S. R. 1873-
Aëdes aegypti (L.), the yellow fever mosquito : its life history, bionomics, and structure / S. R.Christophers. - Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1960. - xii, 738 p. : illus. ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographies and index.
Aedes aegypti.
QL536 / .C54
595.771 / CHA
Aëdes aegypti (L.), the yellow fever mosquito : its life history, bionomics, and structure / S. R.Christophers. - Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1960. - xii, 738 p. : illus. ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographies and index.
Aedes aegypti.
QL536 / .C54
595.771 / CHA