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Brodie, Bernard.

Technology and international relations / Bernard Brodie...[et al.] and ed. by William Fielding Ogburn. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press, c1949. - vii, 201 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes index.

Introductory ideas on inventions and the state, by W.F. Ogburn.--The process of adjustment to new inventions, by W.F. Ogburn.--Technology and the growth of political areas, by Hornell Hart.--The steam and steel complex and international relations, by A.B. Usher.--Aviation and international relations, by W.F. Ogburn.--Atomic energy and international relations, by W.T.R. Fox.--The mass-communications inventions and international relations, by Robert Leigh.--New techniques of war and national policies, by Bernard Brodie.--Modern technology and the world order, by Quincy Wright.


Industrial arts--History.
International relations.

JX1391 / .O35

607 / BRT
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