Cancer incidence in five continents /
International Union against Cancer.
- Berlin ; New York : Distributed for the Union by Springer-Verlag, 1966-
- v. : 241 p. maps ; 31 cm.
- Irregular
- [Vol. 1]-
- Vol. 3-<5>: IARC scientific publications .
- IARC scientific publications. .
Published: Lyon : International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1976- Some issues are accompanied by diskettes or CD-ROMs.
Issue for 1966 lacks vol. numbering but constitutes v. 1.
Vols. 3-<5> issued by: the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and: the International Association of Cancer Registries.
Vols. 1 (1966)-3 (1976) in v. 3.
Vol. 3 has supplement: Cancer incidence in the USSR.
sn 89036392
8911083 DNLM SR0065164 DNLM
RC275 / .D64 QZ200 C215
312.26994 / DOC
W1 / CA6798K
Published: Lyon : International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1976- Some issues are accompanied by diskettes or CD-ROMs.
Issue for 1966 lacks vol. numbering but constitutes v. 1.
Vols. 3-<5> issued by: the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and: the International Association of Cancer Registries.
Vols. 1 (1966)-3 (1976) in v. 3.
Vol. 3 has supplement: Cancer incidence in the USSR.
sn 89036392
8911083 DNLM SR0065164 DNLM
RC275 / .D64 QZ200 C215
312.26994 / DOC
W1 / CA6798K