Plantation crops : a review of production, trade, consumption and prices relating to cofee, cocoa, tea, sugar, spices, tobacco and rubber.
- London : Commonwealth Secretariat ; c1967.
- vi, 297p. ; ill. ; 25 cm.
Issued, ... by Gt. Brit. Imperial Economic Committee. Intelligence Branch; by Commonwealth Economic Committee; 1967, Commonwealth Secretariat. Commodities Division.
Marlborough House, SW1Y 5HX
Tropical crops.--Periodicals.
HD9000.4 / .C6
633 / GRP
Issued, ... by Gt. Brit. Imperial Economic Committee. Intelligence Branch; by Commonwealth Economic Committee; 1967, Commonwealth Secretariat. Commodities Division.
Marlborough House, SW1Y 5HX
Tropical crops.--Periodicals.
HD9000.4 / .C6
633 / GRP