Kreisel, Georg.
Elements of mathematical logic. (Model theory) [By] G. Kreisel and J. L. Krivine. - Amsterdam, North Holland Pub. Co., 1967. - xi, 222 p. 22 1/2 cm. - Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics .
Translation of Eléments de logique mathématique, theorie des modéles.
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
QA9 / .K7713
510.1 / KRE
Elements of mathematical logic. (Model theory) [By] G. Kreisel and J. L. Krivine. - Amsterdam, North Holland Pub. Co., 1967. - xi, 222 p. 22 1/2 cm. - Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics .
Translation of Eléments de logique mathématique, theorie des modéles.
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
QA9 / .K7713
510.1 / KRE