Marx, Karl.
Theories of surplus value : (volume IV of Capital) / Karl Marx ; [translated by Emile Burns ; edited by S. Ryazanskaya]. - Moscow : Progress , 1971 - v. ; 22 cm.
Translated from the German by Jack Cohen and S. W. Ryazanskaya
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
v.4, pt. 3
330.16 / MAT
Theories of surplus value : (volume IV of Capital) / Karl Marx ; [translated by Emile Burns ; edited by S. Ryazanskaya]. - Moscow : Progress , 1971 - v. ; 22 cm.
Translated from the German by Jack Cohen and S. W. Ryazanskaya
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
v.4, pt. 3
330.16 / MAT