Wiener, Joel H.,
Great Britain: foreign policy and the span of empire, 1689-1971 : a documentary history V. 2 / Edited with commentaries by Joel H. Wiener. Introd.: J. H. Plumb. - New York, Chelsea House, 1972. - v. 24 cm.
Includes index and bibliographycal references
Great Britain--Foreign relations--Sources.
DA45 / .W53
327.42 / GRE
Great Britain: foreign policy and the span of empire, 1689-1971 : a documentary history V. 2 / Edited with commentaries by Joel H. Wiener. Introd.: J. H. Plumb. - New York, Chelsea House, 1972. - v. 24 cm.
Includes index and bibliographycal references
Great Britain--Foreign relations--Sources.
DA45 / .W53
327.42 / GRE