Sen, Amartya, 1933-
Reason before identity / Amartya Sen. - Indian ed. - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 31 p. ; 23 cm. - Romanes lecture for 1998 . - Romanes lecture ; 1998. .
"Delivered before the University of Oxford on 17 November 1998." "Oxford India paperbacks"--Cover.
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Field Office Rs45.00
Identity (Psychology)--Social aspects--Congresses.
Group identity--Congresses.
HM753 / .S46 1999
330 / SEN
Reason before identity / Amartya Sen. - Indian ed. - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 31 p. ; 23 cm. - Romanes lecture for 1998 . - Romanes lecture ; 1998. .
"Delivered before the University of Oxford on 17 November 1998." "Oxford India paperbacks"--Cover.
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Field Office Rs45.00
Identity (Psychology)--Social aspects--Congresses.
Group identity--Congresses.
HM753 / .S46 1999
330 / SEN