The Oxford handbook of human capital /
edited by Alan Burton-Jones, J.-C. Spender ; foreword by Gary Becker.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2011.
- xxviii, 688 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- Oxford handbooks in business and management .
9780199532162 (hbk.) 0199532168 (hbk.)
GBB097881 bnb
015629136 Uk
Human capital.
HD4904.7 / .O96 2011
331.11 / OXF
9780199532162 (hbk.) 0199532168 (hbk.)
GBB097881 bnb
015629136 Uk
Human capital.
HD4904.7 / .O96 2011
331.11 / OXF