Mayhew, Henry.
London labour and the London poor : the condition and earnings of those that will work, cannot work, and will not work; vol-ii / Henry Mayhew. - London : C. Griffin, 1861. - v3: ill., map, port., plan.; 19 cm. - Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Photography: The World through the Lens .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Working class--England--London.
London (England)--Social conditions.
331.1 / MAL
London labour and the London poor : the condition and earnings of those that will work, cannot work, and will not work; vol-ii / Henry Mayhew. - London : C. Griffin, 1861. - v3: ill., map, port., plan.; 19 cm. - Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Photography: The World through the Lens .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Working class--England--London.
London (England)--Social conditions.
331.1 / MAL