Markushevich, A. I. 1908-
Complex numbers and conformal mappings / A. I. Markushevich ; translated by D. E. Brown ; English translation editor Ian N. Sneddon. - Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1962. - [8], 56 p. ill. ; 23 cm. - Popular lectures in mathematics ; 8 .
Numbers, Complex.
Conformal mapping.
QA360 / .M313 1962
513.81 / MAC
Complex numbers and conformal mappings / A. I. Markushevich ; translated by D. E. Brown ; English translation editor Ian N. Sneddon. - Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1962. - [8], 56 p. ill. ; 23 cm. - Popular lectures in mathematics ; 8 .
Numbers, Complex.
Conformal mapping.
QA360 / .M313 1962
513.81 / MAC