Mandel, Ernest.
The formation of the economic thought of Karl Marx, 1843 to Capital. Ernest Mandel Translated by Brian Pearce. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1971 - 223 p. : 22 cm.
Translation of La formation de la pensée économique de Karl Marx.
Bibliography: p. 211-223.
71142990 //r83
Marxian economics.
HB97.5 / .M2613
335.4 / MAF
The formation of the economic thought of Karl Marx, 1843 to Capital. Ernest Mandel Translated by Brian Pearce. - New York : Monthly Review Press, 1971 - 223 p. : 22 cm.
Translation of La formation de la pensée économique de Karl Marx.
Bibliography: p. 211-223.
71142990 //r83
Marxian economics.
HB97.5 / .M2613
335.4 / MAF