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Heath T. L.

Apollonius of Perga : Treatise on conic sections / Edited in modern notation, with introductions including an essay on the earlier history of the subject, by T.L. Heath ... - Cambridge, University press, 1896. - clxx p., 1 l., 254 p. front., diagrs. 23 cm.

"List of principal authorities": p. [xiii]

Introduction: pt. I. The earlier history of conic sections among the Greeks. 1. The discovery of conic sections; Menaechmus. 2. Aristaeus and Euclid. 3. Archimedes. pt. II. Introduction to the conics of Apollonius. 1. The author and his own account of the conics. 2. General characteristics. 3. The methods of Apollonius. 4. The construction of a conic by means of tangents. 5. The three-line and four-line locus. 6. The construction of a conic through five points.-Appendix: Notes on the terminology of Greek geometry.--The conics of Apollonius.


Mathematics, Greek.
Conic sections.

QA31 / .A5 1896

516.2 / HEA
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