Kuznets, Simon Smith, 1901-
National product since 1869 / Simon Kuznets assisted by Lillian Epstein and Elizabeth Jenks. - New York : National Bureau of Economic Research Inc., 1946. - xvi, 239p. : tabs. - Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research ; no. 46 .
[A study by the] National Bureau of Economic Research.
Contents : Pt. 1. Annual estimates, 1919-1943. Pt. 2. Decade estimates, 1869-1938. Pt. 3. The share of services in the flow of goods to consumers. Pt. 4. Reproducible wealth - its growth and industrial distribution, 1880-1939.
National income--United States.
339 / KUN
National product since 1869 / Simon Kuznets assisted by Lillian Epstein and Elizabeth Jenks. - New York : National Bureau of Economic Research Inc., 1946. - xvi, 239p. : tabs. - Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research ; no. 46 .
[A study by the] National Bureau of Economic Research.
Contents : Pt. 1. Annual estimates, 1919-1943. Pt. 2. Decade estimates, 1869-1938. Pt. 3. The share of services in the flow of goods to consumers. Pt. 4. Reproducible wealth - its growth and industrial distribution, 1880-1939.
National income--United States.
339 / KUN