Page, Benjamin I.
Who gets what from government / Benjamin I. Page. - Berkeley : University of California Press, c1983. - xiii, 264 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
0520047028 0520047036 (pbk.)
Income distribution--United States.
Government spending policy--United States.
HC110.I5 / P27 1983
339.522 / PAW
Who gets what from government / Benjamin I. Page. - Berkeley : University of California Press, c1983. - xiii, 264 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
0520047028 0520047036 (pbk.)
Income distribution--United States.
Government spending policy--United States.
HC110.I5 / P27 1983
339.522 / PAW