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The Middle East crisis : test of international law / edited by John W. Halderman. - Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Oceana Publications, 1969. - viii, 193 p. ; 25 cm. - Library of law and contemporary problems .

"This symposium consists of papers prepared in connection with a regional meeting of the American Society of International Law which was held at the Duke University School of Law on March 8 and 9, 1968." "Originally published in Winter 1968."

Bibliographical footnotes.

Foreword, by J. W. Halderman.--Legal aspects of the Middle East situation, by Q. Wright.--A binational approach to the Palestine conflict, by D. Peretz.--Directions for a Middle East settlement; some underlying legal problems, by S. Rosenne.--The role of the United Nations vis-à-vis the Palestine question, by M. H. El-Farra.--Some international constitutional aspects of the Palestine case, by J. W. Halderman.--Some legal implications of the 1947 partition resolution and the 1949 armistice agreements, by N. Elaraby.--Legal status of Arab refugees, by G. J. Tomeh.--Passage through the Strait of Tiran and in the Gulf of Aqaba, by L. Gross.--Closure of the Suez Canal to Israeli shipping, by M. Khadduri.--Legal aspects of internationalization of interoceanic canals, by L. T. Lee.--The status of Jerusalem; some national and international aspects, by S. S. Jones.--The limits of perceptual objectivity in international peace observation, by T. M. Franck and K. H. Gold.


United Nations--Middle East.

Middle East--Politics and government--1945-1979.

JX1977.2.N4 / M5 1969

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