The Oxford companion to military history /
Military history Companion to military history
edited by Richard Holmes ; consultant editor, Hew Strachan ; Associate editors, Christopher Bellamy and Hugh Bicheno.
- Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001.
- xvii, 1048 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm.
Originally published: 2001.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine derived contents note: List of editors and contributors -- List of abbreviations -- Introduction -- Thematic contents list -- A-Z text -- index.
"The 0xford Companion to Military History provides a uniquely comprehensive overview of military history from classical times to the present day, including the social, political, technological, and economic background of major conflicts. Entries cover people (military leaders, theorists, inventors, etc); weapons and equipment; wars, campaigns and battles; strategy and tactics; logistics; fortifications; military life; institutions; literature, art, and music. Although the scope of the work embraces all aspects of warfare across the world and through all periods, the primary focus is on land warfare in Europe and America from the 18th century to the present day, and aspects of naval and air history that bear directly on land operations."--BOOK JACKET.
0198606966 (pbk) 0198662092
Military history.
Electronic books.
D25.A2 / O94 2001
355.009 / OXF
Originally published: 2001.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine derived contents note: List of editors and contributors -- List of abbreviations -- Introduction -- Thematic contents list -- A-Z text -- index.
"The 0xford Companion to Military History provides a uniquely comprehensive overview of military history from classical times to the present day, including the social, political, technological, and economic background of major conflicts. Entries cover people (military leaders, theorists, inventors, etc); weapons and equipment; wars, campaigns and battles; strategy and tactics; logistics; fortifications; military life; institutions; literature, art, and music. Although the scope of the work embraces all aspects of warfare across the world and through all periods, the primary focus is on land warfare in Europe and America from the 18th century to the present day, and aspects of naval and air history that bear directly on land operations."--BOOK JACKET.
0198606966 (pbk) 0198662092
Military history.
Electronic books.
D25.A2 / O94 2001
355.009 / OXF