Syme, Don.
Expert F♯ 2.0 / Don Syme, Adam Granicz, and Antonio Cisternino. - [Berkeley, CA] : New York : Apress ; Distributed to the Book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag, c2010. - xxv, 596 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - The expert's voice in .NET . - Expert's voice in .NET. .
Includes index.
9781430224310 1430224312 9781430224327 1430224320
Functional programming languages.
Microsoft .NET Framework.
005.13 / SYE
Expert F♯ 2.0 / Don Syme, Adam Granicz, and Antonio Cisternino. - [Berkeley, CA] : New York : Apress ; Distributed to the Book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag, c2010. - xxv, 596 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - The expert's voice in .NET . - Expert's voice in .NET. .
Includes index.
9781430224310 1430224312 9781430224327 1430224320
Functional programming languages.
Microsoft .NET Framework.
005.13 / SYE