Shibli Numani, Muhammad, 1857-1914.
Sirat-un-Nabi : =[The Life of the Prophet] (Peace be upon him) ; Volume 1 / The life of the Prophet Allama Shibli Nu'mani ; rendered into English by M. Tayyib Bakhsh Budayuni. - Lahore [Pakistan] : Kazi Publications, 1979. - vii, 280 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Mu�hammad, Prophet, -632.
922.97 / MUS
Sirat-un-Nabi : =[The Life of the Prophet] (Peace be upon him) ; Volume 1 / The life of the Prophet Allama Shibli Nu'mani ; rendered into English by M. Tayyib Bakhsh Budayuni. - Lahore [Pakistan] : Kazi Publications, 1979. - vii, 280 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Mu�hammad, Prophet, -632.
922.97 / MUS