Graham, G. F. I. 1840-
The life and work of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan / G. F. I. Graham ; with a new introd. by Zaituna Y. Umer. - 2nd new & rev. ed. - Karachi : Oxford University Press, 1974. - xvii, 298 p. : fronts ; 19 cm.
Includes index.
Khan, Syed Ahmed 1817-1898. --Biography.
DS475.2.A5 / G7 1974
923.2 / GRL
The life and work of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan / G. F. I. Graham ; with a new introd. by Zaituna Y. Umer. - 2nd new & rev. ed. - Karachi : Oxford University Press, 1974. - xvii, 298 p. : fronts ; 19 cm.
Includes index.
Khan, Syed Ahmed 1817-1898. --Biography.
DS475.2.A5 / G7 1974
923.2 / GRL