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Johnson, Samuel. 1709-1784.

Lives of the most eminent English poets : with critical observations on their works / Samuel Johnson. With notes corrective and explanatory, by Peter Cunningham, F. S. A., and a life of the author, by Thomas Babington Macaulay. - New York, Derby & Jackson, 1857. - 588 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.

William Shenstone. Edward Young. David Mallet. Mark Akenside. Lord Lyttleton. Thomas Gray. Additional notes. Index.

v. 1. Editor's preface. Life of Samuel Johnson. Abraham Cowley. Sir John Denham. John Milton. Samuel Butler. Earl of Rochester. Earl of Roscommon. Thomas Otway. Edmund Waller. John Dryden. John Pomfret. Earl of Dorset. George Stepney. John Philips. William Walsh. Edmund Smith. Richard Duke. William King. Thomas Sprat. Earl of Halifax. Thomas Parnell. Samuel Garth. Nicholas Rowe, Joseph Addison. John Hughes. John Sheffield, duke of Buckinghamshire. Matthew Prior.--v. 2. William Congreve. Sir Richard Blackmore. Elijah Fenton. John Gay. George Granville, lord Lansdown. Thomas Yalden. Thomas Tickell. James Hammond. . William Somerville. Richard Savage. Alexander Pope. Jonathan Swift. William Broome. Christopher Pitt. James Thomson. Isaac Watts. Ambrose Philips. Gilbert West. William Collins. John Dyer.


Poets, English--Biography--Early works to 1800.
English poetry--History and criticism.--Early modern, 1500-1700
English poetry--History and criticism.--18th century

PR553 / .J7 1857

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