Young, G. F. 1846-1919.
The Medici / Colonel G. F. Young, C.B. - New York : The Modern Library , c1930. - xxi, [3], 824 p. : 17 cm. - The Modern library of the world's best books .
Some printings have statement on t.p. verso: First Modern Library edition 1930. "Bound for The Modern Library by H. Wolff" -- T.p. verso.
"Authorities consulted": p. xix-xxi.
Medici, House of.
DG737.42 / .Y8 1930
945.5 / YOM
The Medici / Colonel G. F. Young, C.B. - New York : The Modern Library , c1930. - xxi, [3], 824 p. : 17 cm. - The Modern library of the world's best books .
Some printings have statement on t.p. verso: First Modern Library edition 1930. "Bound for The Modern Library by H. Wolff" -- T.p. verso.
"Authorities consulted": p. xix-xxi.
Medici, House of.
DG737.42 / .Y8 1930
945.5 / YOM