Castro, Americo, 1885-1972.
The Spaniards : an introduction to their history / Translated by Willard F. King and Selma Margaretten. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 1971. - xii, 628 p. ; 23 cm.
Based on the author's The structure of Spanish history, which was a rev. translation of España en su historia.
Includes bibliographical references.
946 / CAS
The Spaniards : an introduction to their history / Translated by Willard F. King and Selma Margaretten. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 1971. - xii, 628 p. ; 23 cm.
Based on the author's The structure of Spanish history, which was a rev. translation of España en su historia.
Includes bibliographical references.
946 / CAS