Henderson, Gilbert S.
Testamentary succession and administration of intestate estates in India, being a commentary on the Indian succession act (X of 1865), the Hindu wills act (XX of 1870), the Probate and administration act (V of 1881) and all other acts bearing upon the subject, with notes and cross-references, and a general index, Gilbert S. Henderson. - 3d ed. - Calcutta : Thacker, Spink & co., 1909. - cxi, 628 p. 25 cm.
KNS774 / .H46 1909
347.6 / HET
Testamentary succession and administration of intestate estates in India, being a commentary on the Indian succession act (X of 1865), the Hindu wills act (XX of 1870), the Probate and administration act (V of 1881) and all other acts bearing upon the subject, with notes and cross-references, and a general index, Gilbert S. Henderson. - 3d ed. - Calcutta : Thacker, Spink & co., 1909. - cxi, 628 p. 25 cm.
KNS774 / .H46 1909
347.6 / HET