Zim, Herbert S. 1909-1994.
Stars : a guide to the constellations, sun, moon, planets and other features of the heavens / by Herbert S. Zim and Robert H. Baker ; Illustrated by James Gordon Irving,,150 paintings in color. - New York, Simon and Schuster c1951. - 157 p. : col. ill. ; 16 cm. - A Golden nature guide .
includes index.
Astronomy--Observers' manuals.
QB64 / .Z5
523.8 / ZIS
Stars : a guide to the constellations, sun, moon, planets and other features of the heavens / by Herbert S. Zim and Robert H. Baker ; Illustrated by James Gordon Irving,,150 paintings in color. - New York, Simon and Schuster c1951. - 157 p. : col. ill. ; 16 cm. - A Golden nature guide .
includes index.
Astronomy--Observers' manuals.
QB64 / .Z5
523.8 / ZIS