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Landheer, B.

Annuaire Européen / European Year Book : Publié Sous Les Auspices du Conseil de L'europe / Published under the Auspices of the Council of Europe / edited by B. Landheer.

Table des Matières -- Articles -- Western Europe and the United States of America -- La Politique Méditerranéenne de la Communauté Européenne -- In Search of a Lasting System of European Security - Chances and Hazards of Some Models of European Security System -- Consumer Protection in the Council of Europe -- La Dimension Nouvelle du Consommateur Européen -- Work of the OECD in the Field of Consumer Policy -- Les Tribunaux Administratifs Dans les Organisations Européennes -- Section Documentaire -- Membres des Organisations Européennes 1973 -- Chapitre I. Commission Centrale Pour la Navigation du Rhin -- Chapitre II. Union Économique Benelux -- Chapitre III. Union de L'europe Occidentale -- Chapitre IV. Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques -- Chapitre V. Conseil de L'europe -- Chapitre VI. Commission Internationale de L'état Civil -- Chapitre VII. Conseil de Coopération Douanière -- Chapitre VIII. Communautés Européennes -- Chapitre IX. Conseil Nordique -- Chapitre X. Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports -- Chapitre XI. Organisation Européenne Pour la Recherche Nucléaire -- Chapitre XII. Commission Européenne de L'aviation Civile -- Chapitre XIII. Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications -- Chapitre XIV. Association Européenne de Libre-Échange -- Chapitre XV. Organisation Européenne de Recherches Spatiales -- Chapitre XVI. Organisation Européenne Pour la Mise au Point et la Construction de Lanceurs D'engins Spatiaux -- Articles -- Western Europe and the United States of America -- La Politique Méditerranéenne de la Communauté Européenne -- In Search of a Lasting System of European Security - Chances and Hazards of Some Models of European Security System -- Consumer Protection in the Council of Europe -- La Dimension Nouvelle du Consommateur Européen -- Work of the OECD in the Field of Consumer Policy -- Les Tribunaux Administratifs Dans Les Organisations Européennes -- Documentary Section -- Members of European Organisations 1973 -- I. Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine -- II. Benelux Economic Union (in French) -- III. Western European Union -- IV. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development -- V. Council of Europe -- VI. International Commission on Civil Status -- VII. Customs Co-Operation Council -- VIII. European Communities -- IX. Nordic Council -- X. European Conference of Ministers of Transport -- XI. European Organization for Nuclear Research -- XII. European Civil Aviation Conference -- XIII. Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (in French only) -- XIV. European Free Trade Association -- XV. European Space Research Organisation -- XVI. European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organisation -- Section Bibliographique / Bibliographical Section -- I. Livres Sur La Coopération Européenne / I. Books on European Co-Operation -- II. Bibliographie Sélective des Articles de Périodiques et des Brochures 1972 / II. Selective Bibliography of Periodical and Pamphlet Material 1972 -- Table des Noms / List of Names -- Index alphabétique / Alphabetical Index.

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The Treaty of Rome makes no mention of the Mediterranean basin as such, inc1udes not a single provision for the defining of specific relations with that region as a whole. There are only, as a hang-over from the French and Italian colonialist past, certain Dec1arations, in the Appendices, regard ing a possible association of Tunis, Morocco, Libya with the new under taking. And, of course, there is Artic1e 113 prescribing, at the end of the Community's transition period, the common trade policy - plus the Artic1e (238) giving blanket authorisation for association agreements. These legal prescriptions were duly implemented in the Association Agreements with Greece (1961) and Turkey (1963) and have supplied the basis for bilateral instruments in respect of other Mediterranean lands - ad hoc, pragmatic ar rangements. In the circumstances the Community could scarcely have proceeded otherwise. Yet the outlines of a European economic policy with regard to the countries of the Mediterranean basin were there from the beginning -limited, however, over the years by the internal development of the Community itself. One is reminded in this connection of sundry invoca tions by European and Mediterranean personalities and members of the European Commission - and, specifically, of a Memorandum presented by Italy to the Council of Ministers in 1964.

9789401512091 9789401512114 (print) = Annuaire Européen / European Year Book

10.1007/978-94-015-1209-1 doi

Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law.

K7000-7720.22 K7073-7078

340.58 / EUR
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