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Imperialism and revolution in South Asia /

by Gough, Kathleen; Sharma, Hari P.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Monthly Review Press, 1973Description: viii, 470 p. ; 22 cm.ISBN: 0853452733.Subject(s): South Asia -- Politics and government | South Asia -- Economic conditions
Historical background and the impact of imperialism and capitalism: Gough, K. Imperialism and revolutionary potential in South Asia. Bagchi, A. K. Foreign capital and economic development in India: a schematic view. Sharma, H. P. The green revolution in India: prelude to a red one? Chattopadhyay, P. Some trends in India's economic development. Gardezi H. N. Neocolonial alliances and the crisis of Pakistan. Alavi, H. The state in postcolonial societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh. Ahmed, F. Structure and contradiction in Pakistan.--The roots of struggle in the villages: Ahmad, S. Peasant classes in Pakistan. Gough, K. Harijans in Thanjavur. Shivaraman, M. Thanjavur: rumblings of class struggle in Tamil Nadu.--The rise of revolutionary movements: Ludden, D. The songs and revolution of Bharathi. Alavi, H. Peasants and revolution. Ram, M. The Communist movement in India. Zindabad, I. The red sun is rising: revolutionary struggle in India. Obeysekara, J. Revolutionary movements in Ceylon.--Bangladesh and the South Asian crisis: Mukherjee, R. The social background of Bangladesh. Ahmed, F. The structural matrix of the struggle in Bangladesh. Ali, T. Explosion in South Asia.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Non Fiction 320.954 GOI (Browse shelf) 1 Available A196249

Includes bibliographical references.

Historical background and the impact of imperialism and capitalism: Gough, K. Imperialism and revolutionary potential in South Asia. Bagchi, A. K. Foreign capital and economic development in India: a schematic view. Sharma, H. P. The green revolution in India: prelude to a red one? Chattopadhyay, P. Some trends in India's economic development. Gardezi H. N. Neocolonial alliances and the crisis of Pakistan. Alavi, H. The state in postcolonial societies: Pakistan and Bangladesh. Ahmed, F. Structure and contradiction in Pakistan.--The roots of struggle in the villages: Ahmad, S. Peasant classes in Pakistan. Gough, K. Harijans in Thanjavur. Shivaraman, M. Thanjavur: rumblings of class struggle in Tamil Nadu.--The rise of revolutionary movements: Ludden, D. The songs and revolution of Bharathi. Alavi, H. Peasants and revolution. Ram, M. The Communist movement in India. Zindabad, I. The red sun is rising: revolutionary struggle in India. Obeysekara, J. Revolutionary movements in Ceylon.--Bangladesh and the South Asian crisis: Mukherjee, R. The social background of Bangladesh. Ahmed, F. The structural matrix of the struggle in Bangladesh. Ali, T. Explosion in South Asia.

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