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A Legal bibliography of the British commonwealth of nations : Vol, 7

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1964Edition: 2nd ed.Description: 7 v. ; 23 cm.Subject(s): Law -- Great Britain -- Bibliography | Law -- Great Britain -- Colonies -- Bibliography | Law -- Ireland -- Bibliography | Law -- Scotland -- Bibliography | Roman law -- Bibliography | Law -- Bibliography -- Catalogs
v.1. English law to 1800 ; including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man / compiled by W Harold Maxwell and Leslie F. Maxwell. -- v.2. English law from 1801 to 1954 ; including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man /compiled by John S. James and Leslie F. Maxwell. -- v.3. Canadian and British-American colonial law ; from earliest times to December, 1956 / compiled by C. R. Brown, P. A. Maxwell and L. F. Maxwell. -- v.4. Irish law to 1956 / compiled by Leslie F. Maxwell and W. Harold Maxwell. -- v.5. Scottish law to 1956 ; together with a list of Roman law books in the English language. -- v.6. Australia, New Zealand and their dependencies, from earliest times to June, 1958 ; with lists of reports of cases, digests, and collections of statutes and rules -- v.7. The British Commonwealth ; excluding the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and Pakistan / compiled by Leslie F. Maxwell.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Non Fiction 016.346 LEG (Browse shelf) 2 Available A63142

Previous ed. published under title : Sweet & Maxwell's complete law book catalogue.

Vol. 3 lacks edition statement.

"From time to time Cumulative Supplements will be issued." -- Preface, v.1.

v.1. English law to 1800 ; including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man / compiled by W Harold Maxwell and Leslie F. Maxwell. -- v.2. English law from 1801 to 1954 ; including Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man /compiled by John S. James and Leslie F. Maxwell. -- v.3. Canadian and British-American colonial law ; from earliest times to December, 1956 / compiled by C. R. Brown, P. A. Maxwell and L. F. Maxwell. -- v.4. Irish law to 1956 / compiled by Leslie F. Maxwell and W. Harold Maxwell. -- v.5. Scottish law to 1956 ; together with a list of Roman law books in the English language. -- v.6. Australia, New Zealand and their dependencies, from earliest times to June, 1958 ; with lists of reports of cases, digests, and collections of statutes and rules -- v.7. The British Commonwealth ; excluding the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and Pakistan / compiled by Leslie F. Maxwell.

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