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Industrial megaprojects : concepts, strategies, and practices for success /

by Merrow, Edward W.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Hoboke, N.J. : Wiley, 2011Description: xi, 371 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9780470938829 .Subject(s): Project managementSummary: "Avoid common pitfalls in large-scale projects using these smart strategies Over half of large-scale engineering and construction projects off-shore oil platforms, chemical plants, metals processing, dams, and similar projects have miserably poor results. These include billions of dollars in overruns, long delays in design and construction, and poor operability once finally completed. Industrial Megaprojects gives you a clear, nontechnical understanding of why these major projects get into trouble, and how your company can prevent hazardous and costly errors when undertaking such large technical and management challenges. Clearly explains the underlying causes of over-budget, delayed, and unsafe megaprojects Examines effects of poor project management, destructive team behaviors, weak accountability systems, short-term focus, and lack of investment in technical expertise Author is the CEO of the leading consulting firm for evaluating billion-dollar projects Companies worldwide are rethinking their large-scale projects following the BP's disastrous Gulf oil spill. Industrial Megaprojects is your essential guide for this rethink, offering the tools and principles that are the true foundation of safe, cost-effective, successful megaprojects."-- Provided by publisher.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
General Stacks
Non Fiction 658.404 MEI (Browse shelf) 1 Available 476258
Browsing Dhaka University Library Shelves , Shelving location: General Stacks , Collection code: Non Fiction Close shelf browser
658.404 MAN Managing projects large and small : 658.404 MAN Managing projects large and small : 658.404 MAP Project politics : 658.404 MEI Industrial megaprojects : 658.404 MEP Project management : 658.404 MEP Project management : 658.404 MEP Project management :

Includes index.

"Avoid common pitfalls in large-scale projects using these smart strategies Over half of large-scale engineering and construction projects off-shore oil platforms, chemical plants, metals processing, dams, and similar projects have miserably poor results. These include billions of dollars in overruns, long delays in design and construction, and poor operability once finally completed. Industrial Megaprojects gives you a clear, nontechnical understanding of why these major projects get into trouble, and how your company can prevent hazardous and costly errors when undertaking such large technical and management challenges. Clearly explains the underlying causes of over-budget, delayed, and unsafe megaprojects Examines effects of poor project management, destructive team behaviors, weak accountability systems, short-term focus, and lack of investment in technical expertise Author is the CEO of the leading consulting firm for evaluating billion-dollar projects Companies worldwide are rethinking their large-scale projects following the BP's disastrous Gulf oil spill. Industrial Megaprojects is your essential guide for this rethink, offering the tools and principles that are the true foundation of safe, cost-effective, successful megaprojects."-- Provided by publisher.

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