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A new variorum edition of Shakespeare : v. 18, The tragedie of Cymbeline. 1913 /

by Shakespeare, William; Furness, Horace Howard; Modern Language Association of America; Rouben Mamoulian Collection (Library of Congress).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & co., 1913Description: 27 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.Subject(s): Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Criticism, Textual
v. 1. Romeo and Juliet. 1871.--v. 2. Macbeth. 1873.--v. 3-4. Hamlet. 1877.--v. 5. King Lear. 1880.--v. 6. Othello. [c1886]--v. 7. The merchant of Venice. 1888.--v. 8. As you like it. 1890.--v. 9. The tempest. 1892.--v. 10. A midsummer night's dreame. 1895.--v. 11. The winter's tale. 1898.--v. 12. Much adoe about nothing. 1899.--v. 13. Twelfe night, or, What you will. 1901.--v. 14. Loues labour's lost. 1904.--[v. 15] The tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra. 1907.--[v. 16] The tragedy of Richard the Third: with the landing of Earle Richmond, and the battell at Bosworth field. 1908.--[v. 17] The tragedie of Ivlivs Cæsar. 1913.--[v. 18] The tragedie of Cymbeline. 1913.--[v. 19] The life and death of King John. 1919.--[v. 20] The tragedie of Coriolanus. 1928.--[v. 21] Henry the Fourth, pt. 1. 1936.--[v. 22] The phoenix and the turtle. A lover's complaint. 1938.--[v. 23] The second part of Henry the Fourth. 1940.--[v. 24-25] The sonnets. 1944.--[v. 26] Troilus and Cressida. 1953.--[v. 27] The life and death of King Richard the Second. 1955.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Non Fiction 822.33 SHN (Browse shelf) 1 Available 950

Includes bibliographical references and index.

v. 1. Romeo and Juliet. 1871.--v. 2. Macbeth. 1873.--v. 3-4. Hamlet. 1877.--v. 5. King Lear. 1880.--v. 6. Othello. [c1886]--v. 7. The merchant of Venice. 1888.--v. 8. As you like it. 1890.--v. 9. The tempest. 1892.--v. 10. A midsummer night's dreame. 1895.--v. 11. The winter's tale. 1898.--v. 12. Much adoe about nothing. 1899.--v. 13. Twelfe night, or, What you will. 1901.--v. 14. Loues labour's lost. 1904.--[v. 15] The tragedie of Anthonie, and Cleopatra. 1907.--[v. 16] The tragedy of Richard the Third: with the landing of Earle Richmond, and the battell at Bosworth field. 1908.--[v. 17] The tragedie of Ivlivs Cæsar. 1913.--[v. 18] The tragedie of Cymbeline. 1913.--[v. 19] The life and death of King John. 1919.--[v. 20] The tragedie of Coriolanus. 1928.--[v. 21] Henry the Fourth, pt. 1. 1936.--[v. 22] The phoenix and the turtle. A lover's complaint. 1938.--[v. 23] The second part of Henry the Fourth. 1940.--[v. 24-25] The sonnets. 1944.--[v. 26] Troilus and Cressida. 1953.--[v. 27] The life and death of King Richard the Second. 1955.

LC set imperfect: v. 7, t.p. wanting; supplied by typewritten copy.

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