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Hotel paradiso /

by Glenvallieres,peter; Lahr, Bert; Lansbury, Angela; Pearce, Vera; Treacher, Arthur; Glenville, Peter; Feydeau, Georges; Desvallières, Maurice; National Theatre Corporation (Washington, D.C.); Richard L. Coe Theater Programs Collection (Library of Congress).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: 1957Description: 101p.: p.: ill.Subject(s): Theater programs -- Washington (D.C.) | Theater programs -- 1957Summary: National Theatre, Louis A. Lotito, managing director, Richard Myers and Julius Fleischmann and Bowden, Barr &d Bullock present Bert Lahr, Angela Lansbury, Arthur Treacher, Vera Pearce, and Douglas Byng in "Hotel Paradiso," a farce by Georges Feydeau and Maurice Desvallieres, adapted and directed by Peter Glenville, also starring Carleton Carpenter, Sondra Lee, Leopold Badia and James Coco, settings and costumes by Osbert Lancaster, New York production supervised by Charles Lisanby, production by arrangement with Hardy W. Smith and H.M. Tennent Ltd.
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Books Books Dhaka University Library
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Fiction 842.8 FEH (Browse shelf) Available A76710

National Theatre, week beginning March 16, 1957.

Title devised by Library staff.

Cast: Bert Lahr, Vera Pearce, Angela Lansbury, Arthur Treacher, Carleton Carpenter, Sondra Lee, Douglas Byng, James Coco, James Bernard, Fred Baker, Roy Johnson, Neil Laurence, Joan-Ellen Caine, Nancy Devlin, Patricia Fay, Helen Quarrier, Leopold Badia, Lucille Benson, Horace Cooper, William Edmonson, George Tyne.

LC copy accompanied by typewritten errata sheet announcing cast changes in program. DLC

National Theatre, Louis A. Lotito, managing director, Richard Myers and Julius Fleischmann and Bowden, Barr &d Bullock present Bert Lahr, Angela Lansbury, Arthur Treacher, Vera Pearce, and Douglas Byng in "Hotel Paradiso," a farce by Georges Feydeau and Maurice Desvallieres, adapted and directed by Peter Glenville, also starring Carleton Carpenter, Sondra Lee, Leopold Badia and James Coco, settings and costumes by Osbert Lancaster, New York production supervised by Charles Lisanby, production by arrangement with Hardy W. Smith and H.M. Tennent Ltd.

In: Richard L. Coe Theater Programs Collection (Library of Congress).

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