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A grammatical miscellany offered to Otto Jespersen on his seventieth birthday /

by Bøgholm, Niels [ed.]; Brusendorff, Aage [joint ed.]; Bodelsen, C. A. (Carl Adolf) [joint ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Copenhagen: London: Levin & Munksgaard; G. Allen & Unwin ltd., 1930Description: 464 p.: port. 27 cm.Subject(s): Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry, 1860- | Philology
Mawer, A. Some unworked sources for English lexicography.--Ekwall, E. How long did the Scandinavian language survive in England?--Brandl, A. Einige tatsachen betreffend Scyld Scefing.--Zachrisson, R.E. Grendel in Beowulf and in local names.--Malone, K. Old English (ge)hȳden, "heed".--Pedersen, M. Oldenglesk fæmne.--Langenhove, G. van. The assibilation of palatal stops in Old English.--Förster, M. Die freiassungsurkundendes Bodmin-Evangeliars.--Bødtker, A.T. Anglice loqui.--Onions, C.T. Breche in "The owl and the nightingale" line 14.--Sundén, K.F. The etymology of the M.E. verbs roþe, roþele, and ruþe.--Morsbach, L. Probleme der neuenglischen schriftsprache in ihrer früzeit.--Western, A. Aphesis, syncope, and apocope in Middle and Early modern English.--Sommerfelt, A. Note on the development of unstressed English e into i.--Wyld, H.C. Spenser's diction and style in relation to those of later English poetry.--Smith, G.C.M. The English language and the "restored" pronunciation of Latin.--Ichikawa, S. The pronunciation of English loan words in Japanese.--Collinson, W.E. Some expressions of quantity in spoken English.--Bøgholm, N. Outstanding features of English grammatical number.--Brusendorff, A. The relative aspect of the verb in English.--Karpf, F. Some minor points of English syntax.--Dahl, T. Shall and will. Some remarks on present day usage.--Swaen, A.E.H. The elliptical genitive.--Manly, J.M. From generation to generation.--Brøndal, V. Le système de la grammaire.--Hammerich, L.I. Nexus. Subjekt und objekt. Aktiv und passiv.
Thalbitzer, W. The absolutive and the relative in Eskimo.--Bally, C. Antiphrase et style indirect libre.--Meillet, A. De la valeur des sourdes aspirées indo-européennes.--Lundell, J.A. Principes d'écriture.--Logeman, H. Norwegian "berive".--Dahlerup, V. Fremmede folkenavne som slægtsnavne i Danmark.--Brøndum-Nielsen, J. Om nogle "Episke love".--Nyrop K. Portugisiske ord i dansk.--Wallensköld, A. L'ū latin dans les langues romanes.--Sandfeld, K. Remarques sur l'emploi de l'infinitif attribut en français.--Brunot, F. Responsabilité.--Vendryes, J. Sur un caractère traditionnel de la poésie celtique.--Tagliavini, C. Il "tramonto del sole" in alcuni dialetti dell'Italia settentrionale.--Uhlenbeck, C.C. The Basque words for "woman".--Auerbach, S. Pri nonmediati derivatione in li international lingues.--Bodelsen, C.A. Bibliography (p. [433]-457).--Haislund, N. Subject-index.
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