Between the devil and the deep blue sea : merchant seamen, pirates, and the Anglo-American maritime world, 1700-1750 /
by Rediker, Marcus Buford.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Copy number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
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Dhaka University Library American Studies Corner | Non Fiction | 387.5094 RED (Browse shelf) | 1 | Not For Loan | 366962 |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine derived contents note: List of illustrations -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- 1. The seaman as man of the world: a tour of the North Atlantic, c. 1740 -- 2. The seaman as collective worker: the labor process at sea -- 3. The seaman as wage laborer: the search for ready money -- 4. The seaman as plain dealer: language and culture at sea -- 5. The seaman as the 'spirit of rebellion': authority, violence, and labor discipline -- 6. The seaman as pirate: plunder and social banditry at sea -- Conclusion: the seaman as worker of the world -- Appendices -- Index.
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