Civil society /
by Asian Development Bank.
Material type:
Item type | Current location | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
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Dhaka University Library Dr. Aftab Ahmed Collection | Non Fiction | 306.2 TEC (Browse shelf) | Ordered | 435154 | |
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Dhaka University Library Dr. Aftab Ahmed Collection | Non Fiction | 306.2 TEC (Browse shelf) | Not For Loan | 435145 |
[1] 2007-2009 Orientation program for officials of the Asian Development Bank's developing member countries -- [2] Anticorruption seminars, 2008-2009 -- [3] ASEAN+3 Regional guarantee and investment mechanism, phase 2 (cofinanced by the Government of the People's Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund) -- [4] Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Summit, 2007 -- [5] The Asia Regional Integration Center (ARIC) -- [6] Asia Regional Integration Center, phase II -- [7] Asian bonds online website project, phase II (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [8] Asian Development outlook, 2008 -- [9] Bond financing for infrastructure projects in the ASEAN+3 region (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [10] Capacity building and institutional strengthening of the free trade agreement units of selected ASEAN member countries (financed by the People's Republic of China Regional Cooperation and Poverty Reduction Fund) -- [11] Capacity building for bond market development in ASEAN+3 (financed by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility) -- [12] Capacity building for sustainable investment and governance in the pensions industry (financed by the Government of Switzerland) -- [13] Capacity development for monitoring and evaluation (financed by the Government of the People's Republic of China) -- [14] Capacity development for regional cooperation in the People's Republic of China and Mongolia -- [15] Capacity development on industry resettlement -- [16] Central Asia regional economic cooperation members electricity regulators forum (financed by the Government of the People's Republic of China) -- [17] Central Asian countries initiative for land management multicountry partnership framework support project (cofinanced by the Global Environment Facility and International Fund for Agricultural Development) -- [18] Community of practice on managing for development results, phase II -- [19] Comprehensive midterm review of the Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN growth area road map to development -- [20] Developing strategic urban assessments for selected Central and West Asia developing member countries
[21] A development framework for sustainable urban transport -- [22] Efficiency improvement and connectivity strengthening in archipelagic Southeast Asia project (cofinanced by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility) -- [23] Eleventh agriculture and natural resources research at International Agricultural Research Centers -- [24] Emerging Asian regionalism, ten years after the crisis (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [25] Energy for all initiative (financed by the Government of the Netherlands) -- [26] Energy sector strategy and development, 2007 -- [27] Enhancing effective regulation of water and energy infrastructure and utility services -- [28] Enhancing the capacity of selected ASEAN+3 countries for assessing financial vulnerabilities (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [29] Equity in the delivery of public services in selected developing member countries -- [30] Facilitating regional power trading and environmentally sustainable development of electricity infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion (financed by the Government of Sweden) -- [31] Free trade agreements in Asia, the way ahead (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [32] Governance and capacity development initiative -- [33] Implementation of the seed capital assistance facility (financed by the Global Environmental Facility) -- [34] Implementation of the technical support facility under the carbon market initiative (confinanced by the Governments of Austria, Finland, and Luxembourg; the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance; and the Swiss Cooperation Fund for Consulting Services) -- [35] Institutional development for enhanced subregional cooperation in the aSEA region -- [36] Integrated trade facilitation support for Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation -- [37] Integrating human trafficking and safe migration concerns for women and children into regional cooperation (financed by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility) -- [38] Knowledge-sharing program using good Asian practices in innovation and development (financed by the Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Fund) -- [39] Mainstreaming environment for poverty reduction (financed by the Poverty and Environment Fund) -- [40] Managing water in Asia's river basins, charting progress and facilitating investment (financed by the Japan Special Fund)
[41] Measuring the informal sector -- [42] Mitigation of transboundary air pollution from coal-fired power plants in North-East Asia -- [43] Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre, 2008-2011 -- [44] Pilot strengthening of civil society participation in development in the Pacific -- [45] Preparing clean energy projects eligible for the clean development mechanism (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [46] Preparing the South Asia subregional economic cooperation transport logistics and trade facilitation project (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [47] Private sector-led integration and free trade agreements in South Asia (financed by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility) -- [48] Promoting climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific (financed by the Japan Special Fund and the Government of the United Kingdom) -- [49] Process development for preparing and implementing integrated water resources management plans (financed by the Government of the Netherlands) -- [50] Promoting effective water management policies and practices, phase 5 (financed by the Cooperation Fund for the Water Sector) -- [51] Promoting rural women's entrepreneurship in transition economies (financed by the Gender and Development Cooperation Fund) -- [52] Proposed public policy training program, 2007-2010 (financed by the Japan Fund for Public Policy Training) -- [53] Public-private infrastructure advisory facility -- [54] A regional review of the economics of climate change in Southeast Asia (financed by the Government of the United Kingdom) -- [55] Results-based project management for Pacific developing member countries (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [56] Review of the long-tern strategic framework of the Asian Development Bank -- [57] Selected evaluation studies for 2008 -- [58] Seminars on capacity building for project implementation and administration for 2007-2009 -- [59] Sesan, Sre Pok, and Sekong River Basins development study in Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam -- [60] Strengthening capacity of the ASEAN secretariat in regional economic integration and policy dialogue (financed by the Japan Special Fund)
[61] Strengthening Central Asia regional economic cooperation, 2007-2009 (cofinanced by the Government of the People's Republic of China) -- [62] Strengthening the Asian Ombudsman Association -- [63] Strengthening Pacific economic analysis and policy development (cofinanced by the Government of Australia) -- [64] Support for customs, immigration, quarantine, and security harmonization in the Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN growth area (financed by the Cooperation Fund for Regional Trade and Financial Security Initiative) -- [65] Support for implementation of the second governance and anticorruption action plan (financed by the Governance Cooperation Fund) -- [66] Support for results-based management in the Pacific -- [67] Supporting the achievement of the millennium development goals in the Asia and Pacific Region, phase III -- [68] Supporting network of research institutes and think tanks in South Asia, phase II -- [69] Supporting regional capacities for financial asset and liability and risk management (financed by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund under the Regional Cooperation and Integration Financing Partnership Facility) -- [70] Supporting strengthened regional cooperation among Pacific developing member countries (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [71] Supporting the Boao Forum for Asia (financed by the People's Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund) -- [72] Supporting the implementation of the energy efficiency initiative in developing member countries -- [73] Supporting the third high-level forum on aid effectiveness and its preparatory consultation process -- [74] Supporting the use of country procurement systems -- [75] Sustainable urban transport -- [76] Supporting water operators' partnership in Asia (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [77] Sustainable urban development in Asia -- [78] Technical assistance for developing and implementing the pacific plan for strengthening regional cooperation and integration (financed by the Japan Special Fund) -- [79] Technical assistance for twelfth agriculture and natural resources research at international agricultural research centers -- [80] Technical assistance regional seminars on anticorruption 2006-2007.
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