A companion to paleopathology / [electronic resource]
by Grauer, Anne L.
Material type:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Introduction: the scope of paleopathology / Anne L. Grauer -- 2. Ethics and issues in the use of human skeletal remains in paleopathology / Patricia M. Lambert -- 3. Evolutionary thought in paleopathology and the rise of the biocultural approach / Molly K. Zuckerman, Bethany L. Turner, and George J. Armelagos -- 4. The bioarchaeological approach to paleopathology / Michele R. Buzon -- 5. The molecular biological approach in paleopathology / James H. Gosman -- 6. The ecological approach: understanding past diet and the relationship between diet and disease / M. Anne Katzenberg -- 7. An epidemiological approach to paleopathology / Jesper L. Boldsen and George R. Milner -- 8. The promise, the problems, and the future of DNA analysis in paleopathology studies / Mark Spigelman, Dong Hoon Shin, and Gila Kahila Bar Gal -- 9. The analysis and interpretation of mummified remains / Michael R. Zimmerman -- 10. The study of parasites through time : archaeoparasitology and paleoparasitology / Katharina Dittmar, Adauto Araújo, and Karl J. Reinhard -- 11. More than just mad cows: exploring human-animal relationships through animal paleopathology / Beth Upex and Keith Dobney -- 12. How does the history of paleopathology predict its future? / Mary Lucas Powell and Della Collins Cook -- 13. A knowledge of bone at the cellular (histological) level is essential to paleopathology / Bruce D. Ragsdale and Larisa M. Lehmer -- 14. Differential diagnosis and issues in disease classification / Donald J. Ortner -- 15. Estimating age and sex from the skeleton, a paleopathological perspective / George R. Milner and Jesper L. Boldsen -- 16. The relationship between paleopathology and the clinical sciences / Simon Mays -- 17. Integrating historical sources with paleopathology / Piers D. Mitchell -- 18. Fundamentals of paleoimaging techniques : bridging the gap between physicists and paleopathologists / Johann Wanek, Christina Papageorgopoulou, and Frank Rühli -- 19. Data and data analysis issues in paleopathology / Ann L.W. Stodder -- 20. Trauma / Margaret A. Judd and Rebecca Redfern -- 21. Developmental disorders in the skeleton / Ethne Barnes -- 22. Metabolic and endocrine diseases / Tomasz Kozłowski and Henryk W. Witas -- 23. Tumors : problems of differential diagnosis in paleopathology / Don Brothwell -- 24. Re-emerging infections: developments in bioarchaeological contributions to understanding tuberculosis today / Charlotte Roberts -- 25. Leprosy (Hansen's disease) / Niels Lynnerup and Jesper Boldsen -- 26. Treponematosis: past, present, and future / Della Collins Cook and Mary Lucas Powell -- 27. Nonspecific infection in paleopathology: interpreting periosteal reactions / Darlene A. Weston -- 28. Joint disease / Tony Waldron -- 29. Bioarchaeology's Holy Grail: the reconstruction of activity / Robert Jurmain [and others] -- 30. Oral health in past populations: context, concepts and controversies / John R. Lukacs.
A Companion to Paleopathology offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly growing sub- field of physical anthropology. Presents a broad overview of the field of paleopathology, integrating theoretical and methodological approaches to understand biological and disease processes throughout human historyDemonstrates how paleopathology sheds light on the past through the analysis of human and non-human skeletal materials, mummified remains and preserved tissueIntegrates scientific advances in multiple fields that contribute to the understanding of ancient and historic diseases, such as epidemio.
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