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Just the arguments : 100 of the most important arguments in Western philosophy / [electronic resource]

by Bruce, Michael; Barbone, Steven; Wiley InterScience (Online service).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Malden, MA : John Wiley and Sons, 2011Description: 1 online resource.ISBN: 9781444344431; 1444344439; 9781444336382; 144433638X.Subject(s): Philosophy -- Introductions | Philosophy | Electronic books | IntroductionsOnline resources: Wiley Online Library
Front Matter -- Introduction: Show me the Arguments / Michael Bruce, Steven Barbone -- Philosophy of Religion. Aquinas' Five Ways / Timothy J Pawl -- The Contingency Cosmological Argument / Mark T Nelson -- The Kalam Argument for the Existence of God / Harry Lesser -- The Ontological Argument / Sara L Uckelman -- Pascal's Wager / Leslie Burkholder -- James' will to believe Argument / A T Fyfe -- The Problem of Evil / Michael Bruce, Steven Barbone -- The free will Defense to the Problem of Evil / Grant Sterling -- St. Anselm on Free Choice and the Power to Sin / Julia Hermann -- Hume's Argument against Miracles / Tommaso Piazza -- The Euthyphro Dilemma / David Baggett -- Nietzsche's Death of God / Tom Grimwood -- Ockham's Razor / Grant Sterling -- Metaphysics. Parmenides' Refutation of Change / Adrian Bardon -- McTaggart's Argument against the Reality of Time / M Joshua Mozersky -- Berkeley's Master Argument for Idealism / John M DePoe -- Kant's Refutation of Idealism / Adrian Bardon -- The Master Argument of Diodorus Cronus / Ludger Jansen -- Lewis' Argument for Possible Worlds / David Vander Laan -- A Reductionist Account of Personal Identity / Fauve Lybaert -- Split-Case Arguments about Personal Identity / Ludger Jansen -- The Ship of Theseus / Ludger Jansen -- The Problem of Temporary Intrinsics / Montserrat Bordes -- A Modern Modal Argument for the Soul / Rafal Urbaniak, Agnieszka Rostalska -- Two Arguments for the Harmlessness of Death / Steven Luper, Nicolas Bommarito -- The Existence of Forms: Plato's Argument from the Possibility of Knowledge / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Plato, Aristotle, and the Third Man Argument / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Logical Monism / Luis Estrada-Gonz̀lez -- The Maximality Paradox / Nicola Ciprotti -- An Argument for Free Will / Gerald Harrison -- Frankfurt's Refutation of the Principle of Alternative Possibilities / Gerald Harrison -- Van Inwagen's Consequence Argument against Compatibilism / Grant Sterling -- Fatalism / Fernando Migura, Agustin Arrieta -- Sartre's Argument for Freedom / Jeffrey Gordon -- Epistemology. The Cogito Arguments of Descartes and Augustine / Joyce Lazier, Brett Gaul -- The Cartesian Dreaming Argument for External-World Skepticism / Stephen Hetherington -- The Transparency of Experience Argument / Carlos M Mųoz-Sùrez -- The Regress Argument for Skepticism / Scott Aikin -- Moore's Anti-Skeptical Arguments / Matthew Frise -- The Bias Paradox / Deborah Heikes -- Gettier's Argument against the Traditional Account of Knowledge / John M DePoe -- Putnam's Argument against Cultural Imperialism / Maria Caamąo -- Davidson on the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme / George Wrisley -- Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism / Robert Sinclair -- Hume and the Problem of Induction / James E Taylor, Stefanie Rocknak -- Argument by Analogy in Thales and Anaximenes / Giannis Stamatellos -- Quine's Epistemology Naturalized / Robert Sinclair -- Sellars and the Myth of the given / Willem A deVries -- Sellars' ₃Rylean Myth₄ / Willem A deVries -- Aristotle and the Argument to End all Arguments / Toni Vogel Carey -- Ethics. Justice Brings Happiness in Plato's / Joshua I Weinstein -- Aristotle's Function Argument / Sean McAleer -- Aristotle's Argument that Goods are Irreducible / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Aristotle's Argument for Perfectionism / Eric J Silverman -- Categorical Imperative as the Source for Morality / Joyce Lazier -- Kant on why Autonomy Deserves Respect / Mark Piper -- Mill's Proof of Utilitarianism / A T Fyfe -- The Experience Machine Objection to Hedonism / Dan Weijers -- The Error Theory Argument / Robert L Muhlnickel -- Moore's Open Question Argument / Bruno Verbeek -- Wolff's Argument for the Rejection of State Authority / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's Taxation is Forced Labor Argument / Jason Waller -- Charity is Obligatory / Joakim Sandberg -- The Repugnant Conclusion / Joakim Sandberg -- Taurek on Numbers don't Count / Ben Saunders -- Parfit's Leveling down Argument against Egalitarianism / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's Wilt Chamberlain Argument / Fabian Wendt -- Liberal Feminism / Julinna C Oxley -- Moral Status of Animals from Marginal Cases / Julia Tanner -- The Ethical Vegetarianism Argument / Robert L Muhlnickel -- Thomson and the Famous Violinist / Leslie Burkholder -- Marquis and the Immorality of Abortion / Leslie Burkholder -- Tooley on Abortion and Infanticide / Ben Saunders -- Rachels on Euthanasia / Leslie Burkholder -- Philosophy of Mind. Leibniz' Argument for Innate Ideas / Byron Kaldis -- Descartes' Arguments for the Mind₆Body Distinction / Dale Jacquette -- Princess Elisabeth and the Mind₆Body Problem / Jen McWeeny -- Kripke's Argument for Mind₆Body Property Dualism / Dale Jacquette -- The Argument from Mental Causation for Physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- Davidson's Argument for Anomalous Monism / Amir Horowitz -- Putnam's Multiple Realization Argument against Type-Physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- The Supervenience Argument against Non-Reductive Physicalism / Andrew Russo -- Ryle's Argument against Cartesian Internalism / Agustin Arrieta, Fernando Migura -- Jackson's Knowledge Argument / Amir Horowitz -- Nagel's ₃What is it like to be a Bat₄ Argument against Physicalism / Amy Kind -- Chalmer's Zombie Argument / Amy Kind -- The Argument from Revelation / Carlos M Mųoz-Sùrez -- Searle and the Chinese Room Argument / Leslie Burkholder -- Science and Language. Sir Karl Popper's Demarcation Argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Kuhn's Incommensurability Arguments / Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Michael Bruce -- Putnam's no Miracles Argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Galileo's Falling Bodies / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Eliminative Materialism / Charlotte Blease -- Wittgenstein's Private Language Argument / George Wrisley -- Fodor's Argument for Linguistic Nativism / Majid Amini -- Fodor and the Impossibility of Learning / Majid Amini -- Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation / Robert Sinclair -- Davidson's Argument for the Principle of Charity / Maria Caamąo -- Frege's Argument for Platonism / Ivan Kasa -- Mathematical Platonism / Nicolas Pain -- Appendix A: Learning the Logical Lingo -- Appendix B: Rules of Inference and Replacement -- Notes on Contributors -- Index.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Front Matter -- Introduction: Show me the Arguments / Michael Bruce, Steven Barbone -- Philosophy of Religion. Aquinas' Five Ways / Timothy J Pawl -- The Contingency Cosmological Argument / Mark T Nelson -- The Kalam Argument for the Existence of God / Harry Lesser -- The Ontological Argument / Sara L Uckelman -- Pascal's Wager / Leslie Burkholder -- James' will to believe Argument / A T Fyfe -- The Problem of Evil / Michael Bruce, Steven Barbone -- The free will Defense to the Problem of Evil / Grant Sterling -- St. Anselm on Free Choice and the Power to Sin / Julia Hermann -- Hume's Argument against Miracles / Tommaso Piazza -- The Euthyphro Dilemma / David Baggett -- Nietzsche's Death of God / Tom Grimwood -- Ockham's Razor / Grant Sterling -- Metaphysics. Parmenides' Refutation of Change / Adrian Bardon -- McTaggart's Argument against the Reality of Time / M Joshua Mozersky -- Berkeley's Master Argument for Idealism / John M DePoe -- Kant's Refutation of Idealism / Adrian Bardon -- The Master Argument of Diodorus Cronus / Ludger Jansen -- Lewis' Argument for Possible Worlds / David Vander Laan -- A Reductionist Account of Personal Identity / Fauve Lybaert -- Split-Case Arguments about Personal Identity / Ludger Jansen -- The Ship of Theseus / Ludger Jansen -- The Problem of Temporary Intrinsics / Montserrat Bordes -- A Modern Modal Argument for the Soul / Rafal Urbaniak, Agnieszka Rostalska -- Two Arguments for the Harmlessness of Death / Steven Luper, Nicolas Bommarito -- The Existence of Forms: Plato's Argument from the Possibility of Knowledge / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Plato, Aristotle, and the Third Man Argument / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Logical Monism / Luis Estrada-Gonz̀lez -- The Maximality Paradox / Nicola Ciprotti -- An Argument for Free Will / Gerald Harrison -- Frankfurt's Refutation of the Principle of Alternative Possibilities / Gerald Harrison -- Van Inwagen's Consequence Argument against Compatibilism / Grant Sterling -- Fatalism / Fernando Migura, Agustin Arrieta -- Sartre's Argument for Freedom / Jeffrey Gordon -- Epistemology. The Cogito Arguments of Descartes and Augustine / Joyce Lazier, Brett Gaul -- The Cartesian Dreaming Argument for External-World Skepticism / Stephen Hetherington -- The Transparency of Experience Argument / Carlos M Mųoz-Sùrez -- The Regress Argument for Skepticism / Scott Aikin -- Moore's Anti-Skeptical Arguments / Matthew Frise -- The Bias Paradox / Deborah Heikes -- Gettier's Argument against the Traditional Account of Knowledge / John M DePoe -- Putnam's Argument against Cultural Imperialism / Maria Caamąo -- Davidson on the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme / George Wrisley -- Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism / Robert Sinclair -- Hume and the Problem of Induction / James E Taylor, Stefanie Rocknak -- Argument by Analogy in Thales and Anaximenes / Giannis Stamatellos -- Quine's Epistemology Naturalized / Robert Sinclair -- Sellars and the Myth of the given / Willem A deVries -- Sellars' ₃Rylean Myth₄ / Willem A deVries -- Aristotle and the Argument to End all Arguments / Toni Vogel Carey -- Ethics. Justice Brings Happiness in Plato's / Joshua I Weinstein -- Aristotle's Function Argument / Sean McAleer -- Aristotle's Argument that Goods are Irreducible / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Aristotle's Argument for Perfectionism / Eric J Silverman -- Categorical Imperative as the Source for Morality / Joyce Lazier -- Kant on why Autonomy Deserves Respect / Mark Piper -- Mill's Proof of Utilitarianism / A T Fyfe -- The Experience Machine Objection to Hedonism / Dan Weijers -- The Error Theory Argument / Robert L Muhlnickel -- Moore's Open Question Argument / Bruno Verbeek -- Wolff's Argument for the Rejection of State Authority / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's Taxation is Forced Labor Argument / Jason Waller -- Charity is Obligatory / Joakim Sandberg -- The Repugnant Conclusion / Joakim Sandberg -- Taurek on Numbers don't Count / Ben Saunders -- Parfit's Leveling down Argument against Egalitarianism / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's Wilt Chamberlain Argument / Fabian Wendt -- Liberal Feminism / Julinna C Oxley -- Moral Status of Animals from Marginal Cases / Julia Tanner -- The Ethical Vegetarianism Argument / Robert L Muhlnickel -- Thomson and the Famous Violinist / Leslie Burkholder -- Marquis and the Immorality of Abortion / Leslie Burkholder -- Tooley on Abortion and Infanticide / Ben Saunders -- Rachels on Euthanasia / Leslie Burkholder -- Philosophy of Mind. Leibniz' Argument for Innate Ideas / Byron Kaldis -- Descartes' Arguments for the Mind₆Body Distinction / Dale Jacquette -- Princess Elisabeth and the Mind₆Body Problem / Jen McWeeny -- Kripke's Argument for Mind₆Body Property Dualism / Dale Jacquette -- The Argument from Mental Causation for Physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- Davidson's Argument for Anomalous Monism / Amir Horowitz -- Putnam's Multiple Realization Argument against Type-Physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- The Supervenience Argument against Non-Reductive Physicalism / Andrew Russo -- Ryle's Argument against Cartesian Internalism / Agustin Arrieta, Fernando Migura -- Jackson's Knowledge Argument / Amir Horowitz -- Nagel's ₃What is it like to be a Bat₄ Argument against Physicalism / Amy Kind -- Chalmer's Zombie Argument / Amy Kind -- The Argument from Revelation / Carlos M Mųoz-Sùrez -- Searle and the Chinese Room Argument / Leslie Burkholder -- Science and Language. Sir Karl Popper's Demarcation Argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Kuhn's Incommensurability Arguments / Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Michael Bruce -- Putnam's no Miracles Argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Galileo's Falling Bodies / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Eliminative Materialism / Charlotte Blease -- Wittgenstein's Private Language Argument / George Wrisley -- Fodor's Argument for Linguistic Nativism / Majid Amini -- Fodor and the Impossibility of Learning / Majid Amini -- Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation / Robert Sinclair -- Davidson's Argument for the Principle of Charity / Maria Caamąo -- Frege's Argument for Platonism / Ivan Kasa -- Mathematical Platonism / Nicolas Pain -- Appendix A: Learning the Logical Lingo -- Appendix B: Rules of Inference and Replacement -- Notes on Contributors -- Index.

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