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The Wiley-Blackwell companion to sociology / [electronic resource]

by Ritzer, George.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Wiley-Blackwell companions to sociology: Publisher: Malden, MA : John Wiley, 2012Description: 1 online resource.ISBN: 9781444347388; 1444347381; 1444347357; 9781444347357; 9781444347388; 1444347381.Subject(s): Sociology | SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Anthropology -- General | SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Regional Studies | SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Sociology -- General | Sociology | Sociologia | Ciències socials | Llibres electrònicsOnline resources: Wiley Online Library
Philosophy and sociology / Stephen Turner -- A selective history of sociology / Alan Sica -- Quantitative methods / Russell Schutt -- Qualitative methods / Mitchell Duneier -- Classical sociological theory / Alan Sica -- Contemporary sociological theory / William Yagatich and George Ritzer -- Action, interaction and groups / Kimberly B. Rogers and Lynn Smith-Lovin -- Groups and institutions, structures and processes / Murray Webster and Jane Sell -- The sociology of organizations / Stewart R. Clegg -- Cultural analysis / John Tomlinson -- The changing life course / Angela M. O'Rand -- Deviance : a sociology of unconventionalities / Nachman Ben-Yehuda -- Criminology / Charles Wellford -- Critical sexuality studies / Ken Plummer -- Feeling class : affect and culture in the making of class relations / Bev Skeggs -- Racial and ethnic issues : critical race approaches in the United States / Joe Feagin and Brittany Slatton -- Genders and sexualities in global context : an intersectional assessment of contemporary scholarship / Nancy Naples and Barbara Gurr -- Changing families : fluidity, partnership and family structure / Graham Allan and Emma Head -- Sociology of education / Maureen Hallinan and Ge Liu -- Sociology of religion / Christian Smith and Robert D. Woodberry -- Current directions in medical sociology / William Cockerham -- Media and communications / John Durham Peters and Jefferson Pooley -- Work and employment / Steve Vallas -- The sociology of consumption / PJ Rey and George Ritzer -- Population / Suzanne Bianchi and Vanessa Wight -- Urbanization / Kevin Gotham -- Environmental sociology / Richard York and Riley Dunlap -- Social movements / Remy Cross and David A. Snow -- Globalization / Paul Dean and George Ritzer -- After neoliberalism : whither capitalism? / Bob Antonio -- Organized coercion and political authority : armed conflict in a world of states / Meyer Kestnbaum -- Science and technologies : now and in the future / Frank Webster and Marc Erickson -- The internet: web 2.0 and beyond / Nathan Jurgenson and George Ritzer.
Summary: Featuring a collection of original chapters by leading and emerging scholars, The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sociology presents a comprehensive and balanced overview of the major topics and emerging trends in the discipline of sociology today. Features original chapters contributed by an international cast of leading and emerging sociology scholars Represents the most innovative and 'state-of-the-art' thinking about the discipline Includes a general introduction and section introductions with chapters summaries by the editor.
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