The Wiley-Blackwell companion to political sociology / [electronic resource]
by Amenta, Edwin; Nash, Kate; Scott, Alan.
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Summary: The Wile-Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology is a complete reference guide, reflecting the scope and quality of the discipline, and highlighting emerging topics in the field. Global in focus, offering up-to-date topics from an interdisciplinary, international set of scholars addressing key issues concering globalization, social movements, and citizenship. The majority of chapters are new, including those on environmental politics, international terrorism, security, corruption, and human rights. Revises and updates all previously published chapters to include new themes and topics in.
Political Sociology; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Introduction; PART I: APPROACHES TO POWER AND POLITICS; 1 Marxist Approaches to Power; 2 Weber and Political Sociology; 3 Durkheim and Durkheimian Political Sociology; 4 Foucaultian Analysis of Power, Government, Politics; 5 Historical Institutionalism; 6 Sociological Institutionalism and World Society; 7 Studying Power; 8 Comparative Political Analysis: Six Case-Oriented Strategies; PART II: STATES AND GOVERNANCE; A. Formation and Form; 9 Theories of State Formation; 10 State; 11 Political Legitimacy; 12 Political Corruption.
B. Governance and Political Process13 Parties and Interest Intermediation; 14 Interest Groups and Pluralism; 15 Elections; C. Violence and States; 16 War; 17 Terrorism; 18 Globalization and Security; 19 Incarceration as a Political Institution; PART III: THE POLITICAL AND THE SOCIAL; A. States and Civil Society; 20 Culture, State and Policy; 21 Civil Society and the Public Sphere; 22 Trust and Social Capital; 23 The Media and Politics; B. The Politics of Identity and Action; 24 Imagined Communities; 25 Gender, Power, Politics; 26 Class, Culture and Politics.
27 The Politics of Ethnicity and Identity28 Race and Politics; 29 Nationalism: Its Role and Significance in a Globalized World; 30 Religion and Political Sociology; 31 Body Politics; C. Citizenship; 32 Citizenship and Welfare: Politics and Social Policies; 33 Citizenship and Gender; 34 Post-national Citizenship: Rights and Obligations of Individuality; PART IV: DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIZATION; A. Social Movements; 35 Protest and Political Process; 36 Global Social Movements and Transnational Advocacy; 37 Global Governance and Environmental Politics; 38 Rural Social Movements.
B. Structures of Participation39 Towards a Political Sociology of Human Rights; 40 Democratization; 41 Feminism and Democracy; 42 Democracy and Capitalism in the Wake of the Financial Crisis; References; Index.
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